Sunday, March 13, 2016

Dose and Response

       In the study of occupational hygiene there is a very important relationship between dose and response. It is actually one of the most important relationships when referring to toxicology. Dose is the time of exposure to a poison or toxic substance white the response is the effect that it has on the organism that was exposed to the toxin.In the field of occupational hygiene they determine the dose as the amount of the toxin that is absorbed by the organisms that were exposed to the poison. The dose response relationship doesn't always have to adhere to toxins and poisons but also can deal with drugs or chemicals. There comes a point in the relationship that too little of a dose and too much of a dose could effect you negatively. If there is too little of a dose then the expected response could not be met and if the dose is too much then the the response could be harmful and even fatal to the exposed organism.  in order to get the most effective dose and response relationship it is important to find what is known as the dose-response threshold. What you do to find this is a create a graph and find the point where the threshold is. This system is very useful in occupational hygiene because it helps establish what the correct doses appropriate to achieve the level of response desired. On the graph the dose is set on the x axis while the response is labeled on the right axis. In this graph you have to create a curve. You can also test this between different substances and create a graph with two separate curves and find the relationship between the two as well as their intended response. Another thing that is very important to the dose and response study is the susceptivity of the organism to the different substances. The organisms that are more susceptive to the chemical,toxin, or drug have a far worse response to the dose. If an organism is less susceptive to a chemical then it will take a higher dose to effect it the same as it would to effect a more susceptible organism.

References-Dose and Response

The raid and windex are both poisons. The raid is a poison that has a response to insects and the windex is a poison that negatively effects humans.

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