Sunday, April 24, 2016

heat exhaustion vs. heat stroke

       There are many differences between heat exhaustion and heat stroke. Both heat exhaustion and heat stroke have a negative effect of the human body. These are both heat related illnesses. First i am going to start with heat exhaustion. Heat exhaustion is commonly accompanied by dehydration and is a heat related illness caused by being exposed to high temperatures for extensive periods of time without proper rehydration. There are two different types of heat exhaustion. The first of these types is called water depletion. The most common signs of this type of heat exhaustion is excessive thirst, headache, loss of consciousness, and headaches. The second type of heat exhaustion is salt depletion. The signs associated with this type of heat exhaustion is nausea, vomiting, muscle cramps, and dizziness. Although this is not as severe as heat stroke, heat exhaustion should not be taken lightly by any means. Some other symptoms associated with heat exhaustion are dark colored urine, fatigue, fainting, pale skin, perfuse sweating, rapid heart beat, and confusion. There are many very easy treatments for heat exhaustion. Some of these methods are to drink plenty of fluids, take a cold shower or bath, and to remove any tight or excessive clothing. Heat stoke is similar to heat exhaustion but also still very different. Unlike heat exhaustion, heat stroke can be fatal if not taken care of immediately. Heat stroke can also cause permanent damage to the brain and other organs in the body. the definition of heat stroke is if a persons core body temperature exceeds 105 degrees Fahrenheit. fainting is most commonly the first sign of heat stroke. Some other symptoms of heat stroke are dizziness and light headedness, a throbbing headache, a lack of sweating despite very hot temperatures, red, hot, and dry skin, muscle weakness or cramps, nausea and vomiting just like heat exhaustion, disorientation, and seizures.
heat exhaustion
heat stroke

The first picture shows someone suffering from heat exhaustion and the second picture is showing someone who has died or has fainted due to heat stroke.

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