Sunday, April 10, 2016

Skin Infections

       There are many different skin infections that are common among wrestlers. During wrestling season it is very common for a wrestler to contract these skin infections numerous times. One of the most common skin infections among wrestlers is known as ringworm. Ringworm is the most commonly used name for the infection but the clinical name is Dermatophytosis. This infection can form anywhere on the body and form past experiences it can be contracted more than once during a single season. This infection can also show up in more than one place at a single time.  It is actually not uncommon for there to be more than one lesion at a single time. Ringworm can be spotted due to its very distinct red circle that it leaves on your skin. The outer rim of this circle is usually darker and thats the portion that carries most of the infection. It is also not uncommon for there to be small pockets of pus that look like pimples on the outer ring. This infection also causes the feeling of itchiness at the location of the lesion. This skin infection is caused by the fungus that grows on the wrestling mats due to the constant humidity and sweat that covers the mats. In order to prevent this infection it is required that the wrestling mats get cleaned daily with very strong chemicals like bleach. Even though the mats are cleaned daily it still doesn't kill all of the bacteria left on the wrestling mat. Another way that you can help prevent these infections are to take a shower with antibacterial soap right after practice in order to further kill all fungi and bacteria on your skin. Once you have contracted the infection there are many different topical ointments that you can use to get rid of it. You can get many different over the counter anti fungal creams such as Tinactin and Lamisil. Most cases of ringworm will improve within 2 weeks of treatment but it usually takes 2-4 weeks to fully get rid of most fungal infections completely. There are also prescription strength ointments and oral medications for this skin infection even though they are usually not needed.

healthline (Dermatophytosis)

The first picture is what ringworm commonly looks like. It has a raised and more red outer ring and is in the shape of a circle. The Second picture is an over the counter anti fungal cream that you can buy to treat ringworm. There are many other brands of anti fungal creams that will also work when treating ringworm.

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